David Rothstein:

>I would also note that in the other 2 Klemperer Bruckner recordings I
>have (No. 5- Live VPO 1968 (M&A), No. 4 live BRSO 1966 (EMI), the tempo
>is also quite brisk, especially for Klemperer at this time of his life.
>Any comments on this?

My first exposure to Mahler 2 was Klemperer's 1963 version on EMI and I
was surprised to find that as I heard other versions, their tempos for
the first movement were usually slower than Klemperer's.  The only other
Mahler symphony I've heard him conduct was the 7th, and that *was* slow.

I always find it harder to listen to a slower version of a work (ie by
comparison with the 'imprinted' one) than a faster one.  I wonder if
this is generally the case.  Comments?

Richard Pennycuick
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