Steve Schwartz wrote:

>Roger Hecht:
>>For a recording that reveals the Harris in all its glory, which is
>>considerable, try the new Naxos. It is revelatory, better than Ormandy
>>and much better than the Koch recording which is coupled with the above
>>mentioned Schuman.
>I haven't heard it yet, but from your comments, as well as from those
>on the web site, it sounds like a recording to get.  In the
>past, I've thought Kuchar good, but not as outstanding as "revelatory"
>implies.  Nevertheless, it may just be *his* piece.

I reviewed it in ARG. I'm sending you a copy separately. Sending address
will be something weird like Mailer Daemon. The subject should be Roy
Harris review.

>Anyway, Naxos makes it relatively painless to find out.  Thanks, Roger.

Thanks for your reviews, as well. I always enjoy and learn from them.

Roger Hecht <[log in to unmask]>