From:                   "Paul D. Law (aka Dennis)" <[log in to unmask]>

> Should I put some shims under the hive stand
> to level out the hive so things don't slide
> and evenly space out the frames by eyeball

   Yes. The hive should be near level, at least from side to side.
It's a good idea to tilt it slightly foreward to make sure water
doesn't run in the entrance and pool on the bottom board. But always
keep the hives sideways level.

  Extra space should be divided between the two outside wall
positions, and it should be comb on the outside wall, because bees
draw foundation very poorly on the outside of the wall comb.  If you
only have foundation, then, as soon as you have some drawn, move it
to the outside position, and all the foundation to the center. Don't
divide brood though, if there is still come cold nights coming up.
Keep all brood frames together, or they may abandon one side and lose
it on a cold night.

Dave   SC  USA
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