In message <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] writes
>In a message dated 15/04/03 05:03:09 GMT Daylight Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
>I used it this year (March 3rd) on a hive that was dropping naturally 3 mites
>a day. The model predicts 300 mites in the hive from that count. 800 dropped
>over a couple of days, plus another 100 in the following couple of days or
>so. Then it tailed off to about 15 a day and is now back to 3 a day.
Useful info thanks Chris. The multiplying factor drops from 400 to 30
over the early months. It sounds like you were in the early part of the
transition from winter reckoning to summer.
James Kilty

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