Hello all, I was wondering if anyone of you have found an alternative for
the candle making part of your business.  It was brought to our attention
that the goup liability insurnace we have through the Ontario Beekeepers
Association only cover products from the hive.  Because we "modify" the wax
into candles, they are not covered under it.  I have contacted several
insurance companies, and they either laugh at the tought of such insuarance
or give me an outrageous price?  Has any one found a cost effective
alternative?  Or more importantly, did you realise you might not be covered
incase of an avccident happening with candles, read the fine print in your
insurance policy?  It seem a shame I'll have to give up making candles from
my beeswax, all because I cant get affordable insurance.

Allen Banks
Honey Road Apiaries

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