With 9 years experience beekeeping in Southern Africa, I will respond.

First, in the rural areas of Southern Africa, crimes of violence are low
as long as you are not a farmer. If you are a farmer, you have a greater
chance of violent crime against your person or your family than most other
areas of the world. Note, this does not apply to Botswana.

Second, the beekeeping industry in South Africa is very advanced. It is
first world standard, and it's industry supplies everything a beekeeper
needs. There really is not much foreigners can teach South Africans that
they can't learn in their own country. This applies also to Namibia, and
would also apply to Zimbabwe were in not for the fact that the government
of Zimbabwe has organized the destruction of modern agriculture in that

Note. The rural Bantu people of Southern Africa are on the whole generally
very polite and charming.

Please feel free to contact me in person if anyone has questions.

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