Coleene Davidson said:

> The PAX Television network is going to air another movie about killer
> bees a.k.a AHB.  The movie is scheduled to air on Friday, 3/28 at 8:00 PM EST.

A pox on PAX!  :)

PAX is a very strange little "network".  I own a significant chunk of
a few small-town cable-TV systems, so I know them better than I'd like.

The good news is that their viewer share is lower than the test pattern.
Very few people will see the movie.  Fewer still will sit through the
whole thing.

Rather than wasting your time asking them to pull the movie, one may want
to suggest that a disclaimer would be in order at each commercial break.
Something like:

        "This is a work of fiction.
        Real bees, even Africanized Bees
        are not this smart or dangerous.
      Your children have nothing to fear
        from a bee."

A typical "broadcast day" for PAX consists of infomercials
21 hours a day, and 5 hours of programs someone with no other
choices might want to watch. These "programs" are re-runs
of cancelled shows and a few independent productions that
even the "Warner Brothers" network rejected.

PAX Stations are all low-power independents, but their skill is in
manipulating the "must carry" FCC regulations, forcing cable systems
to carry their signal far beyond the area where one might be able to
receive their signal.  In short, they create "viewer demand" through
fraudulent and artificial "grass-roots" campaigns.  But there's no
grass and no roots, it is 100% "Astro-Turf".  The additional "viewers"
they can thus claim allow them to charge slightly more for infomercials,
which seem to be their primary revenue source.

The cable systems with which I am involved all resisted the efforts of
various PAX affiliates for a while, but as each system was converted to
full digital (200+ channels), PAX was added to the channel lineup simply
because "it was there".

Want good family programming?  Turn on PBS, and explain to your kids
anything they don't understand.

        jim  (Who turned on CNN this week, and found
                that "the revolution WILL be televised")

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