Help needed.  I have a mom who has a 35 day old male.  Normal preagnancy, labor, & delivery.  NB latched within first hour after birth and BF'g
well during postpartum stay and initial D/C.  Unfortunatly the Ped. is not very BF'g friendly (known from previous experience).  NB was readmitted
to hospital when 4 days old with jaundice and recieved phototherapy for nearly one week (in-hospital).  Ped would only permit mother to BF 1-2
times/day.  MOB was told BM interferes with the breakdown of bilirubin and its' excretion.  MOB wanted to strictly BFonly but was not permitted.
She requested a Lactation Consultant and was told there was NO ONE close to the area (this infuriates me, as the local hospitals, Peds & OB's
have my cards, etc. for Lactation Services.)

 During the 2 hospital stays Mother was given conflicting information from nursing staff to the point she simpily didn't know what to do.  If she was
not BF'g then as you would assume, the NB was formula fed per bottles the entire time.  At the time of 2nd D/C the NB would not latch anymore.
MOB phoned hospital again seeking help.  She was instructed to purchase a SNS, which she did.  NB "breastfeeds" well with this device and
has for the past 3 weeks.  Mom wants to quit using the SNS but is unsuccessful.  Baby is so smart, he will latch on, suck for a few seconds and
then starts searching with his tongue for the tube.  He will only suck at the breast with the SNS tube attached.

I first saw her yesterday, and was able to latch baby on while still in a sleepy state and did well.  I've encouraged her to be patient and persistant.
MOB states he did well several times after visit unitl...he fussed all night and all day and kept everyone awake.  I saw them again tonight.  Baby
would not latch for more than 5-10 seconds on the left side without having a fit; he prefers the right.  He was latched on the right breast and
sucking with audible swallowing for approximately 10 minutes, letdown was felt, and mother felt softer after feeding..

We used a BP, to be sure mother is producing milk from left breast with only a few drops obtained.   We cupfed, spoonfed (formula) and this baby
continued to fuss, until we set up the SNS in place.  He latched on perfectly, and sucked (long drawing) for a good 20 minutes on the left. He was
perfectly satisfied!  He had withdrawl from the SNS.  How do we get rid of it?  I suggested retracting the tubing slightly with each feed until
hopefiully it is not used at all.  I also set mom up with an Elite BP to boost stimulation and milk production and use EBM for feeding..  Any
suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.


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