As someone who had sore nipples in the beginning with all of my 4 babies, I wonder about breastfeeding help becoming "over technical."

I know the literature out there now, says that if breastfeeding hurts or if you have sore nipples for longer than the first week, that something is wrong.

I believe that it is probably true that either the baby's latch isn't the best or positioning is off, but it seems to me that a lot of that gets better as the baby gets older and both mom and baby's technique improve with practice.

So intead of launching into all sorts of positioning or latch changes, nipple ointment, thrush treatment, occupational therapy, or cranial sacrial therapy--which may just get mom feeling hyper sensitive about the problems--would a tincture of time be in order sometimes?

not a professional, LLL leader and mom of 4, still nursing after all these years, in Wisconsin USA


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