Just some comments re WIC's bf support in various states. I read the TExas
WIC news and they seem to have a great many successful programs there. I've
heard some speakers from Mississippi Wic and they seem to have some great
programs too. I agree with the poster who said something like it seems the
bf support is there on paper but is it really there in practice?

In my experience, in the New Orleans area (Louisiana, s.e. USA) the support
is not very good. I'm sure most workers are well-intentioned, and many are
very dedicated and try very hard. But it seems the SYSTEM is not working.
For example, the bf info mothers get from Wic staff (reported by moms to me,
so not always verified) is often incorrect, e.g. starting solids, use of
bottles, use of formula, early weaning. Also, the problem I have alot is
when I refer a mom to Wic, there is no one who can help her w/ bf.
FREQUENTLY I have personally been told by wic staff that the (one and only)
bf person is not there today, or no one here knows how to do a pump loan, or
the bf person will be out for a week, the bf person is at a meeting, etc.
They state that NO ONE else can do the bf thing. FREQUENTLY when I have
referred a mom for a double electric pump due to bf problems, sick or
premature infant, there is no loaner pump available. There are Ameda Purely
Yours and Medela PNS pumps but they are not given out til 1 month postpartum
to working moms or moms in school. If the Lactina is out on loan, they will
not give the mom the PY or PNS, she must wait a month (of course by then bf
is lost). They will instead give her a hand pump. I have discussed these
problems many times with the state bf coordinator; to me these 'rules'
should be changed. I am told that the wic clinic should attempt to locate
another loaner pump (lactina) from another clinic, but in practice, any
number of excuses are given why this can't be done.
Also, if a mother is eligible for wic services (income requirements) but has
not enrolled yet (often the case with a preterm birth) then the mother has
to wait about 2 wks to get enrolled and no services are provided til then.
Here bf is often lost by then too. Therefore, most moms have to pay out of
pocket for a rental pump, even though they should be receiving these bf
services. Many moms cannot or do not pay out of pocket and bf is lost. I
hope these wic rules change in the near future. Please forgive the rant.

Laurie Wheeler, IBCLC, MN, RN
New Orleans Louisiana, s.e. USA

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