Washington Musica Viva: Saturday March 15 at 7:30 pm, BannerArts Studio,
4233C Howard Ave in Kensington, Maryland.

Our dear friend, violist Betty Hauck will be coming down from Sullivan NH
for this performance, to join pianist Carl Banner, violinist Sally McLain,
and cellist Janet Frank, to form the ensemble for this wonderful concert.
(Those of you who heard this group perform in last year's "Trout" Quintet
know that this is a magic combination!).

Gustav Mahler wrote only one work for instrumental chamber ensemble, and
it was unfinished: one movement of a Piano Quartet, with sketches for a
second movement. It is a dramatic work of fin-de-siecle Vienna, romantic,
with hints of expressionism. In 1988, the Russian composer Alfred Schnittke
took Mahler's sketches and completed the second movement in the form of
a sympathetic and nostalgic look through the lens of a terrible century.

Also on the program: the heartfelt, lyrical and moving Trio for violin,
viola, and piano by Robert Fuchs (1847-1927). This late work (Op. 115)
is a masterful and deeply felt tribute to his friend and teacher, Johannes

Our featured poet is Michael S. Glaser, of St. Mary's College. We heard
him at Mariposa, and he is wonderful!  He is a professor of literature
and creative writing at St. Mary's College of Maryland, where he also
directs the Literary Festival and the VOICES reading series.

BannerArts Studio is at 4233C Howard Avenue in Kensington. See the WMV
website for a map.  Admission is $12. We have started taking advance
reservations. Send checks to WMV, 9925 Dickens Ave, Bethesda MD 20814.
You may also show up at the door and take your chances - we sold out
last time, but that doesn't happen too often.


David Cheng <[log in to unmask]>