Don Satz replies to me:

>>It is not too bad, and since I paid about $6 for it, I guess it can
>>place in Don's "Recommended" category.
>I suppose I'm feeling picky about this, but only Don can place
>recordings in Don's recommended category (I'm very possessive).
>Also, I don't want readers to get the impression that versions that
>aren't "too bad" get recommended - they don't.  The Waldszenen
>versions I do not recommend are not terrible and are probably better
>than "not too bad".  They simply don't measure up to the competitive
>level determined by the superior interpretations.  The competition
>factor is all-encompassing.

Sorry about that, Don.  I have not heard enough Schumann recordings
in order to make a definitive judgement.  I do not want to step on your
toes, so I will come up with my own "mildly recommended"-category.  This
means good value for the money, but you can probably find a better
recording at full price ;-)

>I am curious about this Steiner disc.  Is it available on any websites?

I don't know. I bought it in a shop in Bristol, UK.

Mikael Rasmusson