Barrett Reynolds wrote:

>Anyway, I suppose the first question I'd like to pose to this group
>is, what pieces comprise your absolute musical zenith?

How exciting, to be exploring such great music for the first time!

You'll probably get more recommendations from this list than you'll what
to do with, but I'll add my two cents anyway...

All in all, I think my favorite music could be summed up:

Beethoven, especially Symphonies and Piano Sonatas, but just about
  everything is great
Mozart Piano Concertos, choral music
Schubert songs
Berlioz -- Symphony Fantastique, La Damnation de Faust, overtures
Mahler (everything)

If you can stomach 20th century stuff, you should try Stravinsky, Bartok,
and Shostakovich.

Good luck, and keep us posted on your findings!  I, for one, would like
to vicariously enjoy your discovering these great works for the first
time (I try to discover them over and over again, for the first time).
