There is no exactly "sad" music you listen.  We somehow decide it to sad
or happy or tranquil or anything else...  Somebody could call it sad but
for others it's just beautiful, somebody think that this is about "love"
but other just a good musical line, very good melody which they can
listen again and again.

This is not a surprise to get opinion from people that, for example some
pieces from Bach in minor tonality sound, should say "more beautiful"
or "deeper" that others in major tonality. I do not know why is that.

I am not a musical physiologist to talk at length about it, the only
thing I know, that we, listeners tend to give some music different names:
sad, happy, merry, music about nature or about terror ... but, most of
this wrong for others and for sure composers had something else in their

Moscow, Russia
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