Dear Paul,

I see that you have had several replies answering you query about
Chemotherapy removing built up immunity.  It is a subject I know nothing
about.  I received Chemotherapy between February 1995-June 1996, initially
at 7-10 day intervals.  I am a hobbiest beekeeper and during that time I
continued to work my colonies, sometimes with help sometimes on my own.  I
got stung occasionally, but don't remember reacting any more severely than
usual.  But then my drugs would have been very different to yours. However I
credit my recovery from Cancer to two things, medical
science and my bees.  Not certain what proportion to allocate to each!  I
found lifting off a crown board and just entering the bees' world, shut out
other worries that I might have had at the time.  I tired more quickly, so I
paced myself.  Good luck Paul and I hope that you will continue to enjoy
your bees.
Claire Chavasse, Co. Waterford, Ireland.