To Aaron and All,

Aaron posted:

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration was cited as saying on
Wednesday that nearly 185,000 pounds of honey imports were seized in Texas
because of contamination with a human antibiotic banned from U.S. food

Let's see...that's about $1850.00 that's not going to the National Honey
Board, if it was going to be sent at all!

I wonder where the shipment originated and who the importers and buyers
were. Having had so much publicity on this sort of thing in the last year
you would think that the importer/buyer would get an analysis prior to

I also wonder how the news services will handle this since there is so much
going on in the world news right now. This may be buried somewhere in your
local paper and the TV folks will probably not even cover it unless it is
really brought to their attention, hint...hint.

We have talked about this problem before; this is one of many arguments
that a beekeeper can use to promote local honey.

Chuck Norton
Reidsville, NC