Ahoy! Dave and Adrian,

To confound it all, I see my bees fly THROUGH my chicken wire into the
coop to wallow in the dust of cracked corn that I feed my Rhodes Island
Reds with.  Some do fly four feet up to avoid the wire, but most fly right
*through* the thin [almost invisible]wire mesh.  Since no pollen is
available, other than scarce dandelion blossoms in pockets, I did put out
pollen supplement [largely, soy flour mixed with thick sugar], which they
pack into their goulashes in frenzy.  But many of them still take corn
dust; others are even into the chicken “grower” feed!?  [Now don’t ask me
if the grower will do better than the pollen supplement for brood

It indeed is difficult to pigeonhole nature into NEAT, anthropomorphic
categories although such classification will help us immensely as we, a
rational animal, must impose ORDER in nature.
