Chris Mullins wrote:

>As for contempopary music, I can only say I try - I have some Ligeti,
>Saaraiho - one or two others.  I am enjoying Adams's "Naive and Sentimental
>Music," but I'm not sure if it is a great contemporary symphonic work
>or a great attempt at a contemporary symphonic work.  But I'm enjoying
>contemplating the topic.

Either way, the Adams work is a  keeper. The second movement in particular,
both naive and sentimental, is marvelous. The whole work is, as is readily
conceded by Adams and his fellow composer Marshal Ingraham who wrote the
notes,  in part a return to Sibelius. Incidentally, it is worth checking
out Ingraham, who has several cds available: not everyone's dish of tea,
but worth exploring- the nearest thing to an updated Ives I  know.

Bernard Chasan