(This is Marc, Jeanne's husband.  With furrowed eyebrows, she insisted I
write my own mea culpa.)

Those pesky decimal places...

If one weighs an (actual) 8 lb object on a device with an accuracy of +/-
0.034%, one gets:

8 lb * 0.00034 = 0.00272 lb

...which in oz is:

0.00272 lb * 16 oz/lb = 0.04352 oz

Sheepishly, I must admit to having entered 0.0034 when I did the
calculation.  Twice.

Thus, the Baby Weigh exhibits an accuracy in the lower range that's more
than twice the resolution, but since the device cannot display better
resolution than 0.1 oz, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say its accuracy is
also 0.1.

On a slightly different note, to answer Jan Barger's question:

No, you can't apply the accuracy percentage to a weight difference, since
the "weighing" part of the scale doesn't know anything about weight
differences... it just knows given a mass how to measure and report its

Thus, the scale should report the weight of the pre-feed baby at 8 lb 0.0
oz and the post-feed weight at 8 lb 3.0 oz.  In actuality, the post-feed
weight *could* be as "high" as 8 lb 3.045 oz, but since the scale only
reports oz in 0.1 oz increments (its resolution), the reading would be 3.0

Please let me apologize... it was my goof, not Jeanne's.  Usually she's
more circumspect with my rants.  She must have misplaced her chunk of rock
salt this time.

-Marc Cygnus


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