Karl Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I have about a dozen recordings. [of the Prokofiev 2nd] Most pianists
>seem to take it too fast (probably in a mad scramble to get all of the
>notes) and lose some of the incredible drama. Many keep the tempo too
>straight, especially at the end and  miss the wonderful opportunity to
>heighten the intensity for the beginning of the abbreviated recapitulation
>...right where the orchestra returns and plays the opening notes of the
>movement in augmentation. To my ears, it sounds like heaven opening up!

Couldn't agree more--except I'm not sure it's heaven, unless it's the
heaven of the frightful sight of God a la Elgar's Gerontius.

I only have about 7 of them, but to my ears, only two of them even get
the notes right--and the interpretation is just as difficult.  Bronfman's
is a bit more straightforward and powerful than Gutierrez's, but the
latter's interpretation is fascinating.  Too bad the "heaven" part in
Gutierrez's just doesn't quite do the trick!

But what, Karl, are the other great performances of this killer cadenza--if

Jeff Dunn
Alameda, CA