Bob Harrison wrote:
I read  they were looking in the U.K. for honey tainted
with streptomycin. Chloramphenicol was found by those
policing the Chinese antidumping. Unlike streptomycin and
terramycin , Chloramphenicol is a rather nasty antibiotic.

I read "The British regulatory authorities discovered the
illegal antibiotics streptomycin and cholormphenicol in
loads of imported honey, and quickly banned the importation
of all honey from China." By Mark Winston no less in Nov 02

Bob further wrote:
I have tried to find out  what the Chinese were using
Chloramphenicol for but to no avail.

Can you also find out why and what the Chinese were using
streptomycin for? Also, can you find out why no one else
looking for it?


Dee A. Lusby

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