Mark Hubbard asked whether he could produce a single SUPER comb honey on a
hive, and also produce a super (or more) of honey for extraction.  However,
the subject matter in the message heading asked about producing a single
FRAME of comb honey, an entirely different proposition.

Aaron, more or less correctly, said it is not possible to produce a single
FRAME of comb honey.  For some reason, I get this question (privately)
several times a year.  As Aaron said, it is very difficult to get the bees
to drawn comb honey foundation in a super, if the rest of the frames are all
ready drawn.  However, if all the frames have only foundation, including
those intended for extraction, this may go ok.  Put the comb honey frame in
the center of the super.

Producing an entire super of comb honey on a hive also used to produce honey
for extraction is an entirely different subject, and is more than just
feasible; it is done all the time.

The best way and easiest way to do this is to use a hive consisting of a
deep and a medium, with the medium on the TOP.  When the honey flow starts,
put the ROUND SECTION comb honey super above the medium.  Do not use a queen
excluder.  When the comb honey super is filled and capped, harvest it and
put the super(s) on for extracted honey.  A couple of caveats:
1.  Use normal swarm control procedures
2.  Do not attempt to put the comb honey super above two deeps.  90% of the
time it will not work.
3.  Do not attempt to produce cut comb honey in this manner, as the queen
will proceed to lay in the comb honey super, ruining it for comb honey

This procedure can also be used with only one deep as a brood nest, but then
swarm control is much more critical; which is another way of saying that the
beekeeper needs to have more expertise and experience to be successful.

Good luck,
Lloyd Spear, Owner of Ross Rounds, manufacturer of comb honey equipment
for beekeepers and Sundance pollen traps.
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