It might be worth looking at the long string of discussion that took place
on the list a few years back.  If they are not archived, I may have some or
all of them, depending on what "network upgrades" have done to my ability to
retrieve old electronic files.

 Richard Kimmel

-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan Stapleton [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 3:29 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Looking for references dealing with excavations of wells,
privies or cisterns

Preferably I am interested in reports dealing with what has been
recovered. However if one has a article dealing with excavation
techniques feel free to recommend it as well. Thank you for your
recommendations so far.

Keith R Doms wrote:

>Do you mean how to excavate or what has been recovered?
>| Keith R Doms                       University of Delaware  |
>| 011 Munroe Hall                     Dept. of Anthropology  |
>|               (302) 831-6590  [log in to unmask]                |