On MusicWeb we have started to place the 1934 book BEETHOVEN by Marion
Scott. Nine of the fourteen chapters are already there


Other complete books can bee seen at

To coincide with the sale of extra Hoffnung items including sets of
postcards of his cartoons MusicWeb is now presenting a cartoon a day

Can I remind you of our Christmas Quiz.  There are good prizes but it
is not an easy quiz so there have been few entries so far.  Do try to
compete http://www.musicweb.uk.net/wrightquiz.htm If you want a softer
option we have an easier Film Music Quiz

Finally, have you noticed the competitive post-free world-wide CD prices
appearing on our sister site LuwigvanWeb.  You can sample every track of
these discs before purchasing or download them yourself to save money.
More labels are being added all the time.  Visit this page to access full
catalogues http://www.musicweb.uk.net/ludwiglabels.htm

Len Mullenger
www.musicweb.uk.net  www.FilmMusic.uk.net