Walter Meyer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>(*Gurrelieder*, in fact, was started in 1902, when Schoenberg was 25,
>and had not written anything for orchestra before, except for his *Lyric
>Suite*, but not finished until 1913, over which time his musical style
>had greatly changed, although there seems nothing disjointed about this

To me, style-wise, the last movement sounds quite disjointed relative
to the previous music.  I heard the word performed live in the late 60s
by Zubin Mehta and the LA Philharmonic.  I wish I could say it was a
masterpiece, but I prefer Schoenberg's relatively more concise Pelleas
and Melisande, or even better, the Wagner originals.

To those who enjoy post-Wagnerian excess, I would recommend diving into
the murky soup of Korngold's "Wunder der Heliane."

Jeff Dunn
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Alameda, CA