Robert Stumpf, II-

>Been sitting here listening to the most perfect music ever written,
>Beethoven's 5th.  Listening to Furtwangler's 1943 performance and
>comparing it to Toscannni. I finally figured out why I so dislike
>Toscanni: he played all the notes and none of the music.

I recently bought the M&A box of wartime Futwangler performances of which
includes the aforementioned 5th and others including the famous 1942 9th.
I heartily recommend.  The sound is excellent considering the dates of the

The 5th performance mentioned is superb. The entrance to the 4th movement
is treated as it should be, one of the great moments of music,the triumph
of human spirit over eternal struggle. Also note the treatment of the
famous opening motto, the very big pause between the 1st 4 notes and the
2nd 4 notes.

At the other end of the pole I also enjoy listening to Klemperer's
performance (EMI).

David Rothstein