Speaking as a new mom, this aversion to the bottle and staunch support of
only breastfeeding is what dissapoints me when speaking with lactation
consultants.  I worked with 4 seperate IBCLC Lactation Consultants with my
child.  My son has a very high palate.  This obstacle along with the fact
that I had to return to work at 4 weeks post partum, led me to bottle feed
my son.  I now exclusively pump for him and have done so successfully for
5 months.  He is a happy, healthy, well developed little boy.  Not the
subject of over feeding or any deficiencies.  He is in the 100th
percentile for height and weight and is standing and crawling.  He has had
100% breast milk since the day he was born.

What was disheartening about this experience was the LACK of support from
the lactation consultant community.  The minute I decided to excluively
pump breast milk for my son rather than breastfeed, all 4 LC's sent me on
my way.

Yes, moms who pump part time or exclusively do have perceived, if not
actual supply issues.  Unfortunately, it is difficult for them to find
support from lactation professionals as they are not breast feeding.  I
believe the LC community needs to broaden their approach and be more
accepting of moms who choose or have to feed this way.  Would you rather
that moms go to formula because of the lack of support and education?

Any breast milk is better than none at all and LC's need to support and
eduate moms regardless of how they choose to feed their child.

I strongly recommend that you refer to another group called
www.pumpingmoms.org.  It is a group with over 1000 members, women who pump
full and part time and come together for support and education.  It is the
BEST resource for moms who pump given the lack of support in the LC


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