All year I've been lifting the inner covers of my hives and finding earwigs
scurrying to and fro!  Is this something that I should be worrying about?
Is this common and do i need to get rid of the buggers somehow? Also, I use
screened bottom Boards (SBB) on all of my hives and I've been finding that
the earwigs seem to love infesting these as well.  No doubt thriving on the
hive detritus that falls through the screen and accumalates in the drawer

On a side note, has anyone that uses SBB's found wax moth larvae in the wax
scales that have fallen to the bottom.  I was wondering how they would've
got there.  Then I thought that perhaps the bees dropped the eggs while
cleaning them out of the hive and they fell through the screen.  Does
anybody have any thoughts and/or facts on these musings.

Mark Walker
Delta, BC