Jos <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Denis, where did you get the idea that we are a conservative audience?
>Take a peep at throught the annual program; it is
>anything but conservative.

Oh, just an impression.  One would have to live in Amsterdam and attend
regularly to form a valid jundgment.  Programs don't do it.  Above all
they don't let you know _how well_ an orchestra plays progressive stuff,
or how the home audience reacts.  The program of the Bavarian Radio
Symphony (and the Philharmonic) also looks quite progressive but the
orchestra doesn't ever sound that way , even when playing under with-it
conductors like Esa-Pekka.  Audiences here respond more gladly to the
received rather than the projected.  And that goes in spades for the
Philharmonic--even though it's undergone a program of juvenation.  Los
Angeles, Birmingham, yes, Munich and Amsterdam, no--and I think available
recordings help to make the point.  But, as I said at the outset, it's
an impression, and no more than that.

Denis Fodor