Denis writes,

>Janssons will at the same time be in charge of the Bavarian Radio
>Symphony, which resembles the Concertgebouw in that its home audience
>tends to the conservative side.  Janssons would seem to be the best
>available candidate in that sense.

Denis, where did you get the idea that we are a conservative audience?
Take a peep at throught the annual program; it is
anything but conservative.  I think Janssons has three big plusses: he
has a good relation with the orchestra, he knwos how to preserve an
orchestra and make them better (a distinction I never felt able to attach
to Tilson Thomas and Thielemann) and he has a big international name.
Unfortunately, with the record market being up the scratch these days;
the orchestra will probably be forced to make its own cd's in future
like the lso as Janssons is not a big selling name.

regards, Jos