Janos Gereben asked:

>BTW, is there an operatic equivalent of Atlanta's Chipper Jones grounding
>into a double play on Monday, leaving Giants fans (and the players)
>unbelieving and victorious?

Hmmm . . . William Schuman did write "The Mighty Casey: A One Act Opera",
a setting of Thayer's classic poem.  A recording was (is?) available on
Delos (DE 1030) performed by Gerard Schwarz conducting the Julliard Opera
Center and Julliard Orchestra.  "The Mighty Casey" is coupled with
Schuman's "A Question of Taste."

In the same vein, but on a more literary note, I recently picked up
two excellent books that may be of interest to fans of baseball and
literature: "The Annotated Casey at the Bat: A Collection of Ballads
about the Mighty Casey" (Dover, 0486285987) and a small collection of
the late Bart Giamatti's writings on baseball, "A Great and Glorious
Game" (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1565121929).

Michael Butera
Houston, TX