Martin Anderson wrote:

>I mentioned the other day that I was starting my own CD label ...
>by subscription, and eachch time a CD came out, It would mean that
>subscribers would agree to buy a pig in a poke - they wouldn't know
>what was coming before it arrived.

Pardon my many deletions ... I hope I got the general idea.

I have already discussed this a bit with Martin...  First of all, if it
were only ONE cd a month that we were compelled to buy, at a Naxos price,
I'd say Rah Rah.  But if it were four a month and I had never heard of
any of the composers I would want a little more for my money and

I would AT THE VERY LEAST expect a blurb describing the composer and the
piece, in advance, so I'd at least have a rough idea of what to expect.

I would want there to be ALTERNATE choices...  I could agree to buy so
many per year for my membership price, but not agree to buy every single
cd unless I was really enchanted by the blurbs and/or

I would also hope that there would be a website available to play short
sections of each piece, the way Amazon does at their US website.

Mimi Ezust