Daniel Beland ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Jos Janssen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>I have to disagree with Daniel if he is (consciously or not) trying to
>>convince us that Messiaen's music is more often performed and better known
>>then Jolivet's because Messiaen had students to talk about and perform his
>>works, "an army of admirers".
>I indeed think that the issue is more complex than that!  But the fact
>that Boulez and others played and recorded Messiaen's music while basically
>ignoring Jolivet's output is probably a factor to take into account.

Don't forget that Boulez, Stockhausen and Nono (inter many alia) studied
with Messiaen.

Where were Jolivet's pupils when they should have been doing to same for

deryk barker
([log in to unmask], http://www.camosun.bc.ca/~dbarker)