Tim Horwood ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Daniel Beland wrote:
>>>Truscott - Elegy
>>Can you tell me more about this composer? I suppose he's British:-)
>Yes of course! There are web links at
>He is best known for his writing on music.  I first came across him when
>reading The Symphony ed.  R Simpson where he wrote about Havergal Brian.

And the chapters on Sibelius, Schmidt and Mahler, the last of which contains
the follolwing, IMHO wonderfully perceptive remark:

   of this [the 9th symphony] I will say only that the great and unearthly
   Rondo-song which forms its first movement is a rare example of music
   influenced by Beethoven's last period.

deryk barker
([log in to unmask], http://www.camosun.bc.ca/~dbarker)