i have worked with a lot of near term babies lately. i go crazy at the lack
of followup given these babies. where would these babies be in 2 wks with no
followup calls and no one seeing the babies. i would say that if i was not
follwoing some of these mom/baby dyads (3 days a week I work, so it's not
ideal) they might very well be in big trouble by 2 wks.
2 babies were weighed with clothes on, i weighed one today who had just came
from the peds office, and I got a 6 oz less weight with the baby nude. the
other baby was 7 oz less after 2 days. also both docs recommended water for
the babies. one rec. water for jaundice, the other routinely recommends Q4hr
feeds with water in between.
why is it that these practices continue???? how can any mother succeed wtih
this going against her???? these are near term babies that weight less than
5.5 pounds. every year i work as a hospital LC I age 10 yrs. please some up
to date pediatrician hire me.

Laurie Wheeler, IBCLC, MN, RN
New Orleans Louisiana, s.e. USA

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