Jim Fischer, who is a real honest to god scientist, and a hobbyist
beekeeper, said "This is not to say that understanding the honeybee genome
will not make breeding better bees (using traditional methods) easier,
cheaper, and faster.  It clearly will.  But the "genome knowledge" will
result in screening tools, not new engines of creation."

Oh, if only I have the background and knowledge to make such observations!
Right on, Jim.  Allen Dick has urged us to not make personal attacks, but we
all know the two psuedo-scientists on the list who have been urging us to
turn into Luddites and oppose such research.

The research will happen and will result in benefits to all of us, or our
grandchildren.  Of course there may be mistakes along the way, and there are
likely to be many dead ends.  But such is the nature of any research.  I
think it is folly to either oppose the research or to predict the end of
honeybees, or hobbyist beekeepers, or the creation of new super insects over
which we have no control or defense.

BTW, I do have a considerable amount of experience and knowledge of the
Vulture Capitalists of which Jim also wrote, as well as intimate knowledge
of the recent 'find a greater fool' or 'momentum investing' markets.  Based
on such experience and knowledge I'd say that in addition to being a
successful scientist, Jim is an acute observer of the financial markets.

Lloyd Spear, Owner of Ross Rounds, manufacturer of comb honey equipment
for beekeepers and Sundance pollen traps.
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