Although I like the "Sofia" Richter, I must put it down on the list for the
poor sonics.  But, it does have excellent fillers, even if the sound isn't
that good.'

On other recordings I like the Pletnev, but dislike the exras.

The Ogawa on BIS has wonderful extras and great sound, but it's the extras
on the disc that truly make it.  The Pictures is decent but not in the
great category.  But, the excerpts, pieces mostly from Mussorgsky's operas,
are really good.

But, it's the Demidenko on Hyperion that I like most.  Excellent
performance of Pictures, and the excerpts from Prokofiev's Romeo &
Juliet are really grabbers, and to top it very good sound.

But, lets' not forget Guillou's version for organ.  Sound & Soundstaging
are fantastic and go towards making this a all around fun performance.
Hell, on my system I can even picture where each pipe is.

Mark Zimmerman * [log in to unmask]