Mimi Ezust wrote:

>Since you were the person who brought up the interest in specific keys,
>I'd be more curious to know if you have listened yet to this work by
>Mozart, and what YOUR impressions are of it, especially if it seems to
>fit with your idea of the importance of key tied in to a special emotion
>or meaning.

You're of course absolutely right and please accept my apologies
for responding so lately but I am in the process of moving house etc.
I shall try to come up with a thoughtful answer but as a hint- I've been
recently listening to Edwin Fischer from the Philips Great Painists
Collection ansd as I listened to the D Minor concerto by Bach- the term
"agonistic humility" spragn to my mind.  I shall try to justify this
"springing" later.

thanks for your ineterest,