Donald Satz wrote:

>But what most glares out at me is a continual string of recordings from
>RCA, Sony, the EMI group, and Universal(Decca, DG, Philips).  Borders has
>essentially snubbed all other record labels dealing in classical music.
>Is this just a case of laziness or does it reveal corporate connections
>which are not advantageous for customers?

>From my years in the biz, I can tell you that it's not a snub on the
part of Borders.  Rather, it is an item that these labels have paid
Borders for, so that they will get preferential space.  It is known as
co-op advertising, and it's one of the few ways that classical music gets
any advertising at all.  I am not defending it, but it has been going on
for years.  It's the same concept as having your football stadium named
after a company, or having a particular brand of soft-drink of hot dog
as the exclusive brand in a venue.

Kevin Sutton