William Hong <[log in to unmask]>:

>As a different case in point, think of the dances from Praetorius'
>"Terpsichore".  There have been many recordings of music from that
>collection, but they often tend to be out of the same several dozen
>that have been recorded before, whereas there must be several HUNDRED
>in "Terpsichore" that have yet to make it to the studio.

Such happens with many repertoires in Medieval or Renaissance music.  I
wonder seriously why.

>{In thinking of "Medieval" music, I tend in my own mind to neglect
>plainchant, as in the "Gregorian" type--though Hildegard's style of
>plainchant seems less relentlessly "Dark Ages" in its style as performed
>nowadays, so I'd include it in the Medieval mix.  But that's purely
>arbitary on my part.}

Depends on the source that is being used at the recording. If we are too
purists and we are talking about recordings of Gregorian chant performed
by those choirs of monks that sings with their books edited by Desclee et
socii, we should have to label their performance as "19th century music"
or "Romantic":-)

Pablo Massa
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