Tim Horwood:

>The BBC did performances of the later Holmboe symphonies as he wrote them.
>Somewhere I'm sure I have a tape of nos 12 and 13.  I like numbers 7, 8
>(on a Turnabout LP) and 10 (LP) most of all.

I envy you for these tapes!  However, the booklet to the BIS CDs states
that no. 12 was commissioned by the BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra.  The
premiere in October 1989 was conducted by Richard Armstrong.  While I have
no hesitations to consider Holmboe underperformed, I believe that the UK
is rather lucky regarding performances of his works.  I don't know whether
there's any other country with as many aside from his native Denmark.

While they're possibly not quite as great as Holmboe, Eduard Tubin and Jon
Leifs also are underperformed.  To stay in northern Europe, Leevi Madetoja
doesn't enjoy a particularly large performance schedule, but I don't think
his music really warrants it either.
