This morning at approximately 9.30am I noted a large number of bees
congregated on the front of the hive many on the ground in front of the
hive. At first, I assumed (yes...I know the first three letters having
worn an Army uniform) that this was preliminary to a swarm. After a
time, I noted a number of dead bees in front of the hive (perhaps
100-200) and looking carefully I thought I could see some bees
struggling to pull live bees from the entrance. This is a hive of three
deeps with one shallow partially drawn and one shallow with foundation
being fed in order to draw comb. Locally (southern Missouri), there is
sumac and chicory blooming along with a few other plants. I thought that
this could be a pesticide kill but that did not seem likely (although
that's a guess on my part) or, more likely, I was seeing robbing
behaviour. I sprayed the from of the hive down with water and
drastically reduced the entrance. Does this seem like a possible
explanation? Is there something else I might be overlooking? Is robbing
behaviour common enough that I would see it this way? I had not opened
the hive that morning. The bees were being fed with Miller type feeder,
nothing exposed. Three days ago when I looked into the hive, the three
deeps had 27 frames well covered with bees, some brood and larvae. Any
suggestions would appreciated.


Your Novice Beekeeper,

Gerald Herrin