
I'm a long-time subscriber who's been no-mail for a while.  I'm receiving
messages from LSoft as well as other servers indicating that I'm sending
messages with the Klez virus.  However, I've used a Klez virus scanner and it
has determined that I don't have the virus.  Klez has a nasty habit of
searching the infected computer's address book and using random entries to
spoof the return address on the messages it sends out.  Thus, anyone who has
me on their address list could be infected.  And the fact that messages are
coming from LSoft makes me suspect that it's someone who is also subscribed to
Lactnet.  Here is the address for information and a free Klez virus cleaner:
http:[log in to unmask]

Thanks for your attention.  Back to your regular all-bf programming ;-)

Rachael Hamlet
LLLL, Area Finance Coordinator LLL-VA/WV

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