Daniel Beland writes:

>...  I think that listening to new or "little known works" is not
>always that painful for the "average concertgoer"!  It depends what new
>or "little known works" you play...  I do remember the Canadian premiere
>of Lutoslawski's beautiful Forth Symphony >with the Montreal Symphony
>Orchestra, and I can tell you that most "average concertgoers" were very
>excited about it!  I also remember another great MSO concert presenting
>"little known works" by Martin and Martinu.  This was a *huge* success!  ...

We had La Revue de Cuisine last Monday at the Aspen Music Festival.  Now
who knows that? Even if one is familiar with Martinu this is not frequently
played, but the forces (piano, violin, cello, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet)
are not hard to find.  It's just getting the musicians to play it.  It was
a delight and a big hit with the too-small audience.

Jane Erb
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