A definition for "post-modernism":

The concepts Modern and Post-Modern are from philosofical origin.

The word Modern ("hodie" - today in latin) gives us the idea of the
present and inovation.  It sends us at the occidental society
(commercial/industrial/banks/scientifical/urban/civil rights/rationalism),
since 14th century.

Post-Modern portrays the globalized/informatic capitalism.  Here the
extreme individualism and the uncontrolled consumism are elected standard

In the Art, I explain: The Modern Art characterizes by radical inovations
and artistical and social utopic ideals (1st half of the 20th century until

The Post-Modern Art (since 1990) is a fusion of tecnichcs:
experimentalism, past, pop, folklore, ethnics, mass-media etc.
Frequently indistinct and, sometimes, acritic.

Yet the philosophers didn`t arrive at end of the debats.

Edson Tadeu Ortolan
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