Dave Fields wrote:

>One word: Wow!  What beautiful music making this is, and what great stage
>presence, from what I can tell!  Is he really 20? He looks younger, but his
>maturity is amazing.  What more do you know about him? Is there a bio or
>website? Has he won other contests? Will he play again in the US anytime
>soon? Does he have an agent who might know?

Doug, apologies for not getting back to you sooner.  Yes, he's really 20.
Is Russian, from Sweden currently.  His prize includes a performance of the
Prokofiev 3rd with orchestra in San Jose this December.  That's all I know
for now.  No website yet, and the Scarbo you saw/heard had some errors that
may have kept him 'merely' a finalist a year ago in the Jaen compeittion.

For more, you can write [log in to unmask] who is representing him here
now, after the competiton, until they can find him major representation in
the U.S.

Here are video links to a San Jose reheasal of the Tchaikovsky (a full
movement) which I think is better than the competition performance, but
then that's not surprising.  Also listed is a rehearsal segment of a solo
portion of the Prokofiev 3rd piano concerto which he played, but that's
very short.

For cablemodem/DSL/lan - high speed, higher fidelity

For Slow normal modems, low speed, low fidelity

In either case you can, with Internet Explorer 5.x, right-click on a URL
and choose "Save Target As" and download it to play on the computer direct.
With Netscape, you can press concurrently left-shift and left-mouse-click
to save the file to a specific directory.

 - Andrys