Richard Pennycuick ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

Deryk Barker, writing of a scene from "Educating Rita":
>>we see the stylus bumping against the centre of an LP with the yellow
>>DG label clearly shown.
>There was a similar image at the end of Ken Russell's excellent film about
>Elgar, used to show that Elgar died while listening to a 78 of his music,
>although I don't remember which.

In the movie it's Nimrod from the Enigma Variations, although in fact
Elgar spent his last days listening to the recent recordings of his
chamber music: the violin sonata (Sammons/Murdoch), string quartet
and piano quintet (Harriet Cohen and the Stratton qut IIRC).

Still, most viewers in the mid-60s would not have recognised these works.

deryk barker
([log in to unmask],