Sometimes I wonder how the people who are making their music feel about
being lumped in under the cover of "New-Age artist" if what they do is
just music that can't be exactly categorized.  Makes them sound like
they're orphans of the musical world or something.  I got a kick seeing
Phil Coulter, the Irish pop composer, on a New-Age list.  He might have
no problem with this, maybe he doesn't even care but I have to believe
some artists don't like the Billboard appellation of New-age.  Some of
the music is ok but some of it is really off the planet too.


 [I've read many an interview where new age artists expressed either
 regret or dismay at the catagorization, primarily because they feel
 it limits their audience.  It should be noted tha many contemporary
 classical composers feel the same with respect to various labels on
 their music.  -Dave]