Pablo Massa wrote:

>Mats Norrman <[log in to unmask]>:
>>Then opera is about love (is Boris Godunov the only opera without
>>a love szene?)
>Interesting question.  "Cavalleria Rusticana", "Billy Budd"?.  Love has
>obviously much to do at Orpheus myth, but there's no love scene (properly
>speaking) at Monteverdi's "L'Orfeo" and, if I don't remember bad, at
>Gluck's "Orfeo et Euridice".  There must be more examples.  Next point:
>a discussion on what a love scene is "properly speaking":-)

There's really no love scene as we usually understand it in *Tannhaeuser*.
Or *Rheingold* or *Moses and Aron*.  I don't remember, but I don't think
there's one in *Wozzeck* either.

Walter Meyer '48