Deryk Barker replies to me:

>Welcome.  Or should I say "Boa vinda a lista"? (If it's wrong, blame

Thank you. That was almost correct.:-) ("Bem-vinda a lista")

>Same three instruments I became mediocre on myself.

Oh, well, I wish I could say I was mediocre...:-)

>>Needless to say, I'm a fan of Gary Karr's - his interpretation of
>>Schubert's Arpeggione Sonata is simply the best I ever heard.
>Gary lives in Victoria and I know him quite well; he is a delightful chap.
>I'll pass on your words to him.

Thanks!  I did post something on the forum of his website, don't know if
he'll read it.  I think the sonata itself is pretty wonderful, with such
a wide range of feeling, and on GK's double bass it becomes even more

>Have you heard GK's recording of the first 3 cello suites? You can find
>details (and sample it) at his web site,

I've heard the Prelude to suite n1(absolutely gorgeous), and bits of other
parts.  Unfortunately, the exchange rate is not very favorable to us right
now (plus 60% duty on all imported cds - but not on books, how unfair!).
It's number 1 on my wish list, so my husband said he'll get it for me on my
birthday.:-) Two recordings by GK I didn't like were Albinoni's Adagio and
Bach's Air on G string.  In these two, (especially Albinoni) I think he
didn't succeed in making his powerful style fit in with the music, so it
came out a bit weird - like he was sawing wood or something.:-)

see you,